Price Match Guarantee

GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES:  Here at HTX Dash Cams we strive to give you reasonable installation price and the best prices on ANY dash cameras! Simply put, if you find a lower price, on any product we stock, we will match it. We owe our success to you, our customers, and we know that price is a critical concern. Our goal is to eliminate this concern by assuring you that by choosing HTX Dash Cams you’re getting the lowest prices anywhere. We routinely scan our competitors to assure that our prices can’t be beat. As should be expected, there are some common sense boundaries that apply.

  • We must be able to verify the lower price.
  • Lower prices that cannot be confirmed will not be honored.
  • We reserve the right to confirm lower prices before any final HTX Dash Cams sale.
  • The source of a lower price must come from an authorized dealer within the United States of the product in question (i.e.: authorized Blackvue and/or Thinkware).

However defined, we hope this guarantee will add to the enjoyment and ease of your HTX Dash Cams mail order experience!